lonesome media



312.48km walked in the last 30 days
↑ 14.2% change on the same time last year
672.62km walked so far this year
↑ 5.3% change on the same time last year


9.99km swam in the last 30 days
↓ 7.8% change on the same time last year
25.20km swam so far this year
↑ 31.3% change on the same time last year
2m 29s per 100m average in the last 30 days
speed ↑ 1.5% verses previous 30 days
2798 kcals burned in the last 30 days
↓ 18.9% change on the previous 30 days

Strength Training

1 strength workouts lasting 6m 23s seconds in the last 30 days
↓ 24.9% change on the previous 30 days
42 kcals burned in the last 30 days
↓ 26.3% change on the previous 30 days