Recent Pages
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Years: 2025
In progress review of the year 2025.Created: 2025-01-01 - 2
Years: 2024
Review of the year 2024.Updated: 2024-12-31 - 3
Playlists: 2024 Playlist
A selection of tracks from albums that I first listened to in 2024.Created: 2024-12-29 - 4
Photos: Best of 2024
My favourite photos taken in 2024.Created: 2024-12-24 - 5
Photos: Avebury
Photos from Avebury, November 2024.Created: 2024-12-05
Climate Impact
See my Ecologi Profile.
585 Trees Planted
56.8t of carbon emissions avoided
Activity tracked by my Apple Watch. See more detail on /activity.
312.48km walked in the last 30 days
↑ 14.2% change on the same time last year
↑ 14.2% change on the same time last year
9.99km swam in the last 30 days
↓ 7.8% change on the same time last year
↓ 7.8% change on the same time last year
672.62km walked so far this year
↑ 5.3% change on the same time last year
↑ 5.3% change on the same time last year
25.20km swam so far this year
↑ 31.3% change on the same time last year
↑ 31.3% change on the same time last year
Code Contributions
Code contributions on Github. See my Github Profile.
130 commits across 8 repositories in the last 30 days
↑ 85.7% change on the same time last year
↑ 85.7% change on the same time last year
173 commits across 9 repositories so far this year
↑ 23.6% change on the same time last year
↑ 23.6% change on the same time last year
Liked Tracks
Recently liked tracks on Spotify.
- 1
Just as Well
Panda Bear - 2
The Boys Next Door - 3
The Tinker
Maruja - 4
Loma - 5
Data for my energy usage from Octopus Energy and National Grid.
205kwH of electricity used in the last 30 days
resulting in 49kg of CO2e
resulting in 49kg of CO2e
1484kwH of gas used in the last 30 days
resulting in 301kg of CO2e
resulting in 301kg of CO2e
521kwH of electricity used so far this year
resulting in 141kg of CO2e
missing data
resulting in 141kg of CO2e
missing data
4397kwH of gas used so far this year
resulting in 893kg of CO2e
resulting in 893kg of CO2e
67.4% of electricity from coal or gas this year
25.4% of electricity from solar, wind, hydro or nuclear this year